Wednesday, 23 December 2009


Since my cellgroup is made up of guys . I'm going to throw out a question .

Is having a girlfriend during teenage worth it ?

When is the best time for having a girlfriend ?



Victor said...

having GF during high sch, too much energy & heart focusing on the girl ba. I think there're a lot of things to work out during teenage period which will help develop to a better man in future. To me, doesn't matter whether have or don't have GF, but whether do u focus ur resources based on the girl or for a greater purpose.

I don't know when is the best time to have GF, but I know it is time when my mentors/parents tell me abt it without me telling them, somehow they will know when I have reached the comfortable level of maturity

♥ nise said...

if you have one now, you'll think that she's the one. but when you further your studies and meet new people with different characters you might think twice. a change in environment and a new group of friends will definitely make you see and meet many more people with many different characters.
my father says have good friends of the opposite gender. just good friends and nothing more. that way you'll be able to see everyone's character and decide what you want in the end.

i dont think there such a thing as the right time. when the time is right, God'll place the right girl in front of you =D

Marco Iliev said...

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Yang Kuo said...

if you have one now, you'll think that she's the one. but when you further your studies and meet new people with different characters you might think twice.
